Free download SyncMySite


Upload html and image files to your web site from any file editor
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6 votes
Release date
27 March 2011

Editor's review

This is a FTP client.

This is a software program that lets you upload HTML and image files to your web site from any file editor. SyncMySite monitors the folders you specify. Any changes in this hot folder, such as any new or changed files to your web site automatically. This will help keep the web site in complete sync with the changes you are making. That also gives you the feel that by editing locally you are probably working with the web page directly. The usual actions of editing the content and saving the changes will get updated immediately on the site. The tool also gives you the facility to optionally resize uploaded images while preserving the originals. Thus the editor can be any that you like to work with without worrying about the updating of the site.

You could choose to have file types excluded. What that will help you with, is that many unnecessary files that are related to your edit activity but not required for the site, can be automatically avoided. Typically project and temporary files are such files you may want to avoid uploading. If your situation requires the exclusion of other file types, that can be managed too. Scripts and other changes that you develop are debugged very easily as you can see the effects of your changes immediately. You can then go back and make amends to the problems soon enough. Only issue you have to be sure of is that you are not tampering with any critical areas of your site, when you have visitors typically. If changes cause problems, you place the visitors in a problem state too. This is a very handy tool for keeping a web site in sync.

Publisher's description

Upload html and image files to your web site from any file editor. SyncMySite monitors the folders you specify and uploads any new or changed files to your web site automatically, turning any file editor into a web editor. Simply edit and save your files as you normally would and SyncMySite uploads the files automatically. Optionally resize uploaded images while preserving the originals. Include or exclude any file types.
Version 1.0
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